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10201 Son of Eochaidh Muighmheadhoin. He was twice married: - his first Queen was Inne, the daughter of Luighdheach, who was the relict of Fiachadh; his second Queen was Roigneach, by whom he had Nos. I., II., III., IV., V., VI., and VII., as given below. This Niall Mór succeeded his Uncle Crimthann. He was a stout, wise, and warlike prince, and fortunate in all his conquests and achievements, and therefore called "Great." He was also called Niall Naoi-Ghiallach or "Niall of the Nine Hostages," from the royal hostages taken from nine several countries by him subdued and made tributary: viz., - 1. Munster, 2. Leinster, 3. Conacht, 4. Ulster, 5. Britain, 6. the Picts, 7. the Dalriads, 8. the Saxons, and 9. the Morini - a people of France, towards Calais and Piccardy; whence he marched with his victorious army of Irish, Scots, Picts, and Britons, further into France, in order to aid the Celtic natives in expelling the Roman Eagles, and thus to conquer that portion of the Roman Empire; and, encamping on the river Leor (now called Lianne), was, as he sat by the river side, treacherously assassinated by Eocha, son of Enna Cinsalach, king of Leinster, in revenge of a former "wrong" by him received from the said Niall. The spot on the Leor (not "Loire") where this Monarch was murdered is still called the "Ford of Niall," near Boulogne-sur-mer. It was in the ninth year of his reign that St. Patrick was first brought into Ireland, at the age of 16 years, among two hundred children brought by the Irish Army out of Little Brittany (called also Armorica), in France. Niall Mór was the first that gave the name of Scotia Minor to "Scotland," and ordained it to be ever after so called; until then it went by the name of "Alba." Niall had twelve sons: - I. Eoghan; II. Laeghaire (or Leary), the 128th Monarch, in the 4th year of whose reign St. Patrick, the second time, came into Ireland to plant the Christian Faith, A.D. 432; III. Conall Crimthann, ancestor of O'Melaghlin, Kings of Meath; IV. Conall Gulban, ancestor of O'Donnell (princes, lords, and earls of the territory of Tirconnell), and of O'Boyle, O'Dogherty, O'Gallagher, etc.; V. Fiacha, from whom the territory from Birr to the Hill of Uisneach in Media Hibernioe (or Meath) is called "Cineal Fiacha," and from him MacGeoghagan, lords of that territory, O'Molloy, O'Donechar, Donaher (or Dooner), etc., derive their pedigree; VI. Main, whose patrimony was all the tract of land from Lochree to Loch Annin, near Mullingar, and from whom are descended Fox (lords of the Muintir Tagan territory), MacGawley, O'Dugan, O'Mulchonry (the princes antiquaries of Ireland), O'Henergy, etc.; VII. Cairbre, ancestor of OFlanagan, of Tua Ratha, "Muintir Cathalan" (or Cahill) etc.; VIII. Fergus (a quo "Cineal Fergusa" or Ferguson), ancestor of O'Hagan, etc.; IX. Enna; X. Aongus or Æneas; XI. Ualdhearg; and XII. Fergus Altleathan. Of these last four sons we find no issue.

By Siobhan Kennedy
Updated: 11:16 a.m. ET Jan. 17, 2006
DUBLIN, Ireland - Scientists in Ireland may have found the country’s most fertile male, with more than 3 million men worldwide among his offspring.
The scientists, from Trinity College Dublin, have discovered that as many as one in 12 Irish men could be descended from Niall of the Nine Hostages, a 5th-century warlord who was head of the most powerful dynasty in ancient Ireland.
His genetic legacy is almost as impressive as Genghis Khan, the Mongol emperor who conquered most of Asia in the 13th century and has nearly 16 million descendants, said Dan Bradley, who supervised the research.
“It’s another link between profligacy and power,” Bradley told Reuters. “We’re the first generation on the planet where if you’re successful you don’t (always) have more children.”
The research was carried out by Ph.D. student Laoise Moore, at the Smurfit Institute of Genetics at Trinity. Moore, testing the Y chromosome that is passed on from fathers to sons, examined DNA samples from 800 males across Ireland.
The results — which have been published in the American Journal of Human Genetics — showed the highest concentration of related males in northwest Ireland, where one in five males had the same Y chromosome.
The ‘Genghis Khan effect’
Bradley said the results reminded the team of a similar study in central Asia, where scientists found 8 percent of men with the same Y chromosome. Subsequent studies found they shared the same chromosome as the dynasty linked to Genghis Khan.
“It made us wonder if there could be some sort of Genghis Khan effect in Ireland, and the best candidate for it was Niall,” Bradley said.
His team then consulted with genealogical experts who provided them with a contemporary list of people with surnames that are genealogically linked to the last known relative of the “Ui Neill” dynasty, which literally means descendants of Niall.
The results showed the new group had the same chromosome as those in the original sample, proving a link between them and the Niall descendents.
“The frequency (of the Y chromosome) was significantly higher in that genealogical group than any other group we tested,” said Bradley, whose surname is also linked to the medieval warlord. Other modern surnames tracing their ancestry to Niall include Gallagher, Boyle, O’Donnell and O’Doherty.
Checking the molecular clock
For added proof, the scientists used special techniques to age the Y chromosome, according to how many mutations had occurred in the genetic material over time. The number of mutations was found to be in accordance with chromosomes that would date back to the last known living relative of Niall.
Niall reportedly had 12 sons , many of whom became powerful Irish kings themselves. But because he lived in the 5th century, there have been doubts that the king — who is said to have brought the country’s patron saint, Patrick, to Ireland — even existed.
“Before I would have said that characters like Niall were almost mythological, like King Arthur, but this actually puts flesh on the bones,” Bradley said.
When international databases were checked, the chromosome also turned up in roughly 2 percent of all male New Yorkers.
Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. 
MOR, Niall Of The Nine Hostages (I29091)
10202 Son of Fiacha Srabhteine. Married Muirion, daughter of Fiachadh, King of Ulster; and having fought and defeated Colla Uais, and banished him and his two brothers into Scotland, regained his father's Throne, which he kept for 30 years. TIREACH, Murdeach (I29093)
10203 Son of Immigrant John Summers. The first reported Summers in this line was a John Summers. On 18 December 1671, a Captain John Boddy...having transported 12 persons to Maryland to inhabit, among whom was JOHN SUMMERS, proved his right to 600 acres of land. (Research Note: This ownership of land was needed to Immigrate at this time by the King of England wishing to stem the tide of Immigrants leaving) (Note: John Summers fathers age was then above 21 to have purchased this land BEFORE LEAVING)

John Summers father was believed to be between 16 and 25 years of age (born about 1650), this being the age of most transported. He would have faced a doubtful crossing of the Atlantic. A most dangerous thing at those times, where sickness, on board fires and ship wreaks were only some of the fears. The crossing if it went well would have taken 2 months. Most of the time spent below decks in cramped quarters with little light, sanitation or ventilation. Many died of disease on these journeys and John would had to have the true Pioneer spirit to make this trips.

John showed himself to be a rugged individualist, by 1682 he was already paying ground rent (tax) on 120 acres of land called Pitchcraft. It was on the Westside of the Patuxent River in the freshes, in Calvert County, later called Prince Georges, County. As most people of the time he was a Planter (Farmer) by trade. He also was active in the community. He testified for a Edward Gold (a Negro) and his freedom in June 1692. He served on Jury duty twice in 1698, and was appointed overseer of the Mount Calvert Hundred (a piece of property). He was married to a Rebecca Dent and had 4 children; William Summers, John Summers 2nd, Sarah Summers and Lucy Summers. He died about 1705 and left his estate to his Wife Rebecca. When she remarried (to a Henry Mackbee in 1708) the estate went to his two sons. Rebecca died about 1711. 
SUMMERS, John II (I594763423)
10204 Son of James and Elizabeth (Harris) Rogers ROGERS, Uriah (I7848)
10205 Son of Jesse 3 and Mary (nee Hays) Stockton, appears to have been born 4 June 1788 in Virginia. See 1850 census, Warren County, Illinois, Thomas Stockton, 62, born in Virginia, and see Warren County, Illinois, cemetery records.

1850 census, Warren County, Illinois, page 33, 442 / 442
Thomas Stockton, 62, M, Virginia [Thomas 4, s/o Jesse 3 and Mary Stockton, appears to have been born 4 June 1788]
Elcy, 50, F, Kentucky [This is Elsie (nee Johnson) Stockton]
Jeesse, 22, M, Indiana
Rebecca J, 19, F, [Indiana]
Thomas, 15, M, [Indiana]
Willford Wood, 27, M, Conn. 
STOCKTON, Thomas (I29340)
10206 Son of John Norris. NORRIS, Stephen (I8111)
10207 Son of Matthias Hitchcock; one of the original proprietors of Wallingford, Ct.
(1) Abigail Merriman
(2) Mary (Thompson) Lines, widow of Samuel Lines

Children of John and Abigail:
1. Daughter: 1 Oct 1671-died young
2. Samuel: 1672-died young
3. Abigail
4. Mary: 10 Dec 1676-unknown
5. Nathaniel: 18 Apr 1679-12 May 1710
6. Margery: 9 Sep 1681-bef 1764
7. Elizabeth: 8 Apr 1684-died young
8. John: 8 Oct 1685-22 May 1760
9. Matthias: 26 May 1688-1762
10. Hannah: 9 Jan 1691-died young
11. Damaris: 11 Jul 1693-10 Nov 1731
12. Benjamin
HITCHCOCK, John I (I594772958)
10208 Son of Muiredach Tireach. King of Meath. In the 8th year of his reign died a natural death at Tara leaving issue four sons. By his first wife Mong Fionn: - I. Brian; II. Fiachra; III. Olioll; IV. Fergus. And, by his second wife, Carthan Cais Dubh (or Carinna), daughter of the Celtic King of Britain, - V. Niall Mór, commonly called "Niall of the Nine Hostages." Mong Fionn was daughter of Fiodhach, and sister of Crimthann, King of Munster, of the Heberian Sept, and successor of Eochaidh in the Monarchy. This Crimthann was poisoned by his sister Mong-Fionn, in hopes that Brian, her eldest son by Eochaidh, would succeed in the Monarchy. To avoid suspicion she herself drank of the same poisoned cup which she presented to her brother; but, notwithstanding that she lost her life by so doing, yet her expectations were not realised, for the said Brian and her other three sons by the said Eochaidh were laid aside (whether out of horror of the mother's inhumanity in poisoning her brother, or otherwise, is not known), and the youngest son of Eochaidh, by Carthan Cais Dubh, was preferred to the Monarchy. I. Brian, from him were descended the Kings, nobility and gentry of Conacht - Tirloch Mór O'Connor, the 121st, and Roderic O'Connor, the 183rd Monarch of Ireland. II. Fiachra's descendants gave their name to Tir-Fiachra ("Tireragh"), co. Sligo, and possessed also parts of co. Mayo. III. Olioll's descendants settled in Sligo - in Tir Oliolla (or Tirerill). This Fiachra had five sons: - 1. Earc Cuilbhuide; 2. Breasal; 3. Conaire; 4. Feredach (or Dathi); and 5. Amhalgaidh MUIGHMHEADOIN, King Eochy "Eochaidh" Of Meath (I29092)
10209 Son of Nathaniel Baily I (1675-1740) and Leah DeVoue (1691-aft. 1740).

Fieldstone grave marker with cross, typical of stones that surround the foundation of the former North Salem Meeting House of The Religous Society of Friends (Quakers). No stones of this generation of Meeting House founders, including Levi Bailey, have names that are visible or legible today (if ever). Families are grouped together and identifiable by stones with transcriptions of the next generation. 
BAILEY, Levi (I594765578)
10210 Son of Richard Brooke and Elizabeth Twyne, Thomas Brooke married Susan Forster. "He matriculated 24 November 1581 at New College, Oxford, at the age of twenty. He received the BA on 4 May 1584. Thomas was a barrister at the Inner Temple, becoming a bencher in 1607 (a senior member of an Inn of Court which governed the society), and an autumn reader in 1611. Thomas served as Member of Parliament from Whitchurch from 1604 to 1611 during the reign of King James I." Thomas and Susan Brooke had eleven children, at least two of whom, Richard Brooke (1602-1656) and Dr. John Brooke (d. 1693), immigrated to Maryland. More information about the family, including pictures of the tomb effigies, can be found at: BROOKE, Thomas (I594765784)
10211 SON WILLIAM bio. "A few months later [after the first William arrived in NJ from Scotland], another William [Davison] sailed from the port of Leith, Scotland and arrived in NJ late in 1685. He came as an importation of Dr. John Gordon of Montros, Scotland. It appears that the compiler of the Davison genealogy [i.e., Arthur Henry Davison] refers to this Davison as the one who m. Margaret Oliphant. She was either the sister or dau. of William Oliphant, who came from Scot. in 1685 with the George Scott refugees. He located land adjoining William Davison. Wm Oliphant mortgaged his land and soon died. Margaret and her sis. Janet, wife of Samuel Layton [Laton were his heirs. The place of burial of William Oliphant and Margaret Oliphant is unknown." per Eleanor Snyder Herndon, 1321 West Platinum, Butte MT 59701-2125. bio. John's only son William, never married. William purchased land in Monmouth Co NJ as early as 1690, in Manalapan Twp, near Tennent NJ. He was dead by 12/12/16//, when title to his land was confirmed to his sisters, Margaret Davison, wife of William Davison and to Janet Layton, wife of Samuel Layton. per Kevin Fleming. Christening: 30 Jul 1643 St. Monance, FIFE, Scot DUNCAN NOT A SON!!! According to several documents including: Eleanor SnyderHerndon, 1321 West Platinum, Butte MT 59701-2125. bio. John's only son William, never married. William purchasedland in Monmouth Co NJ as early as 1690, in Manalapan Twp, near TennentNJ. OLIPHANT, John (I2880)
10212 Son Wm. headstone states 1817 birthdate Family (F13546)
10213 SOURCE
SS: Temple Stamp
Of Bury St., Edmunds, Suffolk, England 
Family (F1671)
10214 Source - Manwaring:

"Inventory of the Estate of Mary Moses, deceased. Taken 23 September,
1689, L62-12-00, by John Moore.

"Nuncupative Will, dated 9 September, 1689. Mary Moses' last Will was
that her son John should have 2 Barrells of Syder, and that Timothy
should have the Cyder Mill & Press, & the rest fo the Estate should be
equally divided among the rest of her Children. (Not signed.)
Witness: George Norton, George Drake Jr.

"Court Record, Page 7 -- 11 November, 1689: Will & Invt. exhibited.
This Court appoint Timothy Phelps & Josiah Gillett to Dist. the Estate."

Inventory 23 SEP 1689 Note:
1 great ketls 21 5s. 1 small ketle 1L. 03-05-00
To a feather bed 2 pillowes 1 chafe bolster. 03-00-00
To 1 bed boulster pillow 30s. 3 ruggs 31. 15s. 1 rug 10s. 05-15-00
To 3 sheets 30s. 2 payre of sheets 30s. 2 payer of pillow best 6s.
To 1 bed sted & cord & curtains & valens 02-00-00
To 5 towels 5s. 5yds linin & woolen cloth & 2 remnants of cloath 11s.
To her wareing aparell linin & woolen 07-06-00
To 112 yds lining yarne 23s. 23 lbs of occum yarne 1L-14s.-6p. 01-17-06
To 1 payer of cards 1s. 3 earthen pots. 2s. 03-00
To 1 pewter pint & beater 3s. 2 iron pots & pot hooks 21s. 01-07-00
To meale in the barne 6s. a payer of pillowes 1s. 00-07-00
To payles 3s. 3 bush indian 7s-6p. 3 bush 1-2 rye meale 16s. 01-00-06
To salt 18p. 4 chairs 4s. 3 spoons 18p. 00-07-00
To 4 old barells 8s. 2 axes 8s. 00-16-00
To the mil & press. 06-00-00
To 5 swine 4-10 2 cowes 81. 1 heifer 21 2 calves 1-10. 16-00-00
To aples 41. 2 acres of indian corn 1l. 10s. 05-10-00
To hay made in the 2nd meadow 02-00-00
To hops on the ground 05-00
To 3 old barells 6s. 1 ches 5s. 00-11-00
Totall. 62-112-00

Taken by John Moses. 
BROWN, Martha (Mary) (I24069)
10215 Source 158 indicates 1834 GARLAND, Samuel Jackson "Jack" (I6894)
10216 Source 2: U. S. Census, 1860, Titus County, Texas; Mt. Pleasant Twp; page 188:
William H. Christian; age 36; merchant; born Tennessee
Sarah A. Christian; age 26; born Tennessee
Mary E. Christian; age 8; born Texas
James B. Christian; age 5; born Texas
Henry B. Christian; age 3; born Texas
Ella T. Christian; age 6/12; born Texas
Thomas J.; age ??; born Tennessee
Texana; age ??; born Texas

Texana was the name of the youngest child of Henry B. Christian and Mary America Moore shown in the 1850
census of Cass County, TX. She was 2 years of age when the 1850 census was taken.

*** Researcher's Warning***

View everything with healthy skepticism! Not all information has been proven or even sourced. There is a solid core that has been and will be noted. Where it is not, take it as a useful hint or starting point and double-check.

This is shared with others in the spirit that others have shared with me. Please use for your own interest, and not for profit. 
CHRISTIAN, William Hardy (I14732)
Title: FamilySearch on Internet

Title: FamilySearch on Internet 
PONDER, Jess (I13973)
Title: FamilySearch on Internet
Author: John Bennett Genealogy 
PONDER, Margaret (I13946)
Title: FamilySearch on Internet 
Family (F7213)
10220 Source is IGI for North America:

The Great Migration Begins, citing SimsLR 1 1/2:109, notes that on 31 May
1678, Nathan "Gillit" and John Moses came to an agreement allowing John
Moses three rods of Gillet's land. "Elias Gillit and John Mosses Junior,
both sons to the aged men above written, to perfect and settle the line."
It could be John Moses II, but he is much more likely to be the
still-living "aged man" referred to.

Propounded for freeman May 1686, and accepted Oct. 1686. 
MOSES, John III (I23402)
10221 Source Judy Lee Watts JORDAN, Anne (I1066)
10222 Source:
Author: Festus Ganyard
Title: Old Account Book 
CASE, Elijah (I27227)
10223 Source:
4600 Emerald Dr. E., Mobile, Alabama, 36619, United States of America 
BALLARD, Sarah Jane (I2216)
10224 Source:
Jessica SMITH
46 Vaughn Dr, Denison, TX, 75020, United States of America 
BULL, William (I4721)
10225 SOURCE: GED2HTML file created on 24 Sept 1996
From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 
PAYNE, William (I2684)
10226 Source: Udell Book
Corning, Tehama, California Library, Aug 2000, Book: "Teha
ma CountyPioneers" by Keith Lingenfelter, Vol 4,
R 979.427 LIN C.2 "R to Z", copyright 1996 by Spatial Ink, Chico,Tehama, California. Original Manuscripts are at the College in Chico,California
Fourth and youngest son born to John Udell

Corning, Tehama, California Library, Microfiche of County Records:
Farmer in Henleyville, 40 Acres

November 1877 Probate Records has him living in Willow, Colusa,California 
UDELL, Henry (I18360)
10227 Source: "Don Condra" [email protected]

Benjamin Elijah Condry b. circa 1763, Chesterfield Co.,VA, Famnum: BC, m. circa 1794, in Grainger Co., TN, Christiny _____, b. circa 1763, Famnum: BC-S, d. after 1840,Jefferson Co., AL. Benjamin died circa 1832, Jefferson Co.,AL. 1810 census, Grainger Co., Tennessee shows BenjaminCondry, born between 1750 and 1760. Benjamin was in GraingerCo. when it was organized in 1796. Bought land in GraingerCo. October 30, 1798. Moved family to Alabama by November23, 1818 when daughter Margaret was married in JeffersonCo., Alabama. **From group sheet compiled by Jackie C.Paschal, Valentine, TX, 1982. And information from PattyJohnstone, Stevenson, Alabama.

John Hillsman to Benjamin Condry Registered 3d March1800

This Indenture made this twentieth day of October inthe year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninetyeight bet ween John Hillsman of the County of Knox of theone part and Benjamin Condry of Grainger, of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of TenDollars to him the said John Hillsman in hand paid by thesaid Benjamin Condry at or before the signing & deliveringof this Indenture, the receipt whereof the said JohnHillsman doth hereby acknowledge, he the said John Hillsmanhath Granted Bargained Sold and Confirmed and by thesepresents doth Grant Bargain Sell and confirm to the saidBenjamin Condrie one certain tract or parcel of land lyingin the county of Grainger on the south side of Clinch Riverand bounded as follows to wit) Beginning at a Beech & smallash at the mouth of a small branch on the east side of FallCreek near the gap of the lone mountain, turning North fortyfive degrees west one hundred and sixty poles to a stake,then east forty five degrees north one hundred fifty polesto a stake, then south forty five degrees east one hundred &sixty poles to a stake, thence a straight line to theBeginning it being part of a tract of land which the saidJohn Hillsman purchased on the tenth of the pres ent monthOctober containing by estimation Twenty thousand acres bethe same more or less at a____ in the county of Grainger thetract so purchased as aforesaid being part of a yet largertract granted by the state of North Carolina to John GrayBlount & Thomas Blount, with all and singular theappurtenances whatso ever to the said one hundred and fiftyacres of land belonging or in any wise appertaining and thereversion & reversions, remainder & remainders rents and ___thereof and all the estate right title interest propertyclaim & Demand of him the said John Hillsman his heirs beof___ to the same and every part & parcel thereof derived orattached to him the said John Hillsman in virtue of thepurchase ___ said To have and to hold the said one hundredand fifty acres of land with the appurtenances unto the saidBenjamin Condry, his heirs and assigns for ever, against thelawfull title claim or demand of all and every person orpersons from him the said John Hillsman and derived orfounded on the purchase as aforesaid on the henth day ofOctober as aforesd, shall and will warrant & by thesepresents for ever defend, In Testamony whereof I havehereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first abovewritten. Signed sealed & delivered in presence of) John Hillsman (Seal)

( Edward Scott ) State of Tennessee ) February Term 1800( Rob't. Yancey ) Grainger County ) Proven in open court,let it be Registered Gen. Yancey C G C 
CONDREY, Benjamin Elijah (I20714)
10228 Source: "The Betettes" MARVIN, Richard (I3373)
10229 SOURCE: "Visitations of the County of Devon, Comprising the Herald's Visitations of 1531, 1564 and 1620", compiled with additions by J. L. Vivian, Exeter: H. S. Eland, 1895.
NOTES: The following is from the "Coffin of Porthledge" genealogy, beginning on page 208, and from the "Giffard of Halsbury" pedigree, beginning on page 396. Vivian distinguishes the original visitation material from his additions by putting the visitation material in italics. None of the material quoted below was in italics, so it was presumably all from Vivian's "additions". Vivian is a respected source, but some errors have been found in some of his work.
CITATION: "Osbert de Bolebec and Avelina, sister to Gunora, duchess of Normandy, had a son Walter Giffard, created lord of Longueville by Richard, duke of Normandy. This Walter Giffard had a son, Walter Gifford, 2 lord of Longueville."

BOLBEC, Walter Lord Of Longueville De (I10772)
10230 Source: Carney DE COURTENAY, Isabell (I3662)
10231 Source: Chancery Court Giles County, Tennessee Woodruff Files "0" through "R", 1830-1900 - File Box "R" - 2 case 2323 Source: Will of Robert Goldsberry Source: Brunswick County, Virginia Court Records Greensville County, Virginia Court Records Source: Marriage Records of Tennessee Giles County, Tennessee Court Papers Will of Sarah Goldsberry 1820 - 1830 - 1840 - 1850 - 1860 - Census of Giles County, Tennessee Source: 12 September 1757 Account submitted by John's mother, Elizabeth, stated John's date of birth Named as son in his Father's will. Chancery Court, Giles County, Tennessee Woodruff Files O though R 1830-1900, File Box R-2, Case #2323 John B. Goldsberry was a Witness to a Land Transaction 03 May 1791 between James Bruce and his wife Ann and James Vaughan and his wife Susannah in Brunswick County, Virginia. Another Witness was Buckner Harwell who apparently moved to Giles County, Tennessee at the same time John Baptist Goldsberry moved there. Recorded in Court 23 May 1791 - Deed Book 15 - Pages 76 and 77 and 78. 26 August - Received gift of 100 acres from James Bruce 02 May 1785 - St. Andrews Parish Vestry 1791 - Paid by Overseers of the Poor for Thomas Cannon 1792 - Paid by Overseers of the Poor for Joseph Cannon 25 Jan 1795 - Sold land with Mary, his wife August 1795 - Processions Book 1797 - Sold land to Smart Hawkins 1800 - On Tax List - District of Hartwell Tucker - St. Andrews Parish Reference: The Virginia Genealogist - Vol.11, #1, Jan-Mar 1967, Page 37 1800 Tax List for Brunswick County, Virginia John B. Goldsberry - 3 white male tithables - 5 horses - 1 negro tithable - 1 negro aged between 12 & 16 MR.GOLDSBERRY AND HIS FAMILY MOVED FROM KERSHAW DISTRICT, SOUTH CAROLINA TO TENNESSEE ABOUT 1808. THEY FIRST SETTLED ON WHITE'S CREEK IN DAVIDSON COUNTY. MOST OF THE FAMILY REMOVED THERE. HENRY GOLDSBERRY MOVED TO GILES COUNTY WITH SARAH AND JAMES. LAND WAS SOLD AND DIVIDED AMONG HIS HEIRS. MOST OF THE GOLDSBERRY HEIRS LIVED IN THE NASHVILLE AREA. GOLDSBERRY, John Baptist (I27561)
10232 Source: David S. Payne MACKINTOSH, Sarah (I2284)
10233 Source: Gene Connell
Peter GRUBER b: 1697 in salzburg Dist., Austria
Hans GRUBER b: ABT 1699
Michael GRUBER b: ABT 1701
Thomas GRUBER b: ABT 1703

Source also:
Fred Lee Groover. The Progeny of Peter (Gruber) Groover. 
GRUBER, Michael (Grueber) (I2935)
10234 Source: 12 Aug 1999 by: David R. Swarts, 1905 Springport Rd., Jackson, MI 49202 WARREN, Richard Sr. (I2480)
10235 Source:

Son of Art. King Cormac Mac Art called "Ulfhada," because of his long beard. He was the wisest, most learned, and best of any of the Milesian race before him, that ruled the Kingdom. He ordained several good laws; wrote several learned treatises, among which his treatise on "Kingly Government," directed to his son Carbry Liffechar, is extant and extraordinary. He was very magnificent in his housekeeping and attendants, having always one thousand one hundred and fifty persons in his daily retinue constantly attending at his Great Hall at Tara; which was three hundred feet long, thirty cubits high, and fifty cubits broad, with fourteen doors to it. His daily service of plate, flagons, drinking cups of gold, silver., and precious stone, at his table, ordinarily consisted of one hundred and fifty pieces, besides dishes, etc., which were all pure silver or gold. He ordained that ten choice persons should constantly attend him and his successors - Monarchs of Ireland, and never to be absent from him, viz. - 1. A nobleman to be his companion; 2. A judge to deliver and explain the laws of the country in the King's presence upon all occasions; 3. An antiquary or historiographer to declare and preserve the genealogies, acts, and occurrences of the nobility and gentry from time to time as occasion required; 4. A Druid or Magician to offer sacrifice, and presage good or bad omens, as his learning, skill, or knowledge would enable him; 5. A poet to praise or dispraise every one according to his good or bad actions; 6. A physician to administer physic to the king and queen, and to the rest of the (royal) family; 7. A musician to compose music, and sing pleasant sonnets in the King's presence when there-unto disposed; and 8, 9, and 10, three Stewards to govern the King's House in all things appertaining thereunto. This custom was observed by all the succeeding Monarchs down to Brian Boromha [Boru], the 175th Monarch of Ireland, and the 60th down from Cormac, without any alteration only that since they received the Christian Faith they changed the Druid or Magician for a Prelate of the Church. What is besides delivered from antiquity of this great Monarch is, that (which among the truly wise is more valuable than any worldly magnificence or secular glory whatsoever) he was to all mankind very just, and so upright in his actions, judgments, and laws, that God revealed unto him the light of His Faith seven years before his death; and from thenceforward he refused his Druids to worship their idol-gods, and openly professed he would no more worship any but the true God of the Universe, the Immortal and Invisible King of Ages. Whereupon the Druids sought his destruction, which they soon after effected (God permitting it) by their adjurations and ministry of damned spirits choking him as he sat at dinner eating of salmon, some say by a bone of the fish sticking in his throat, A.D. 266, after he had reigned forty years. Of the six sons of Cormac Mac Art, no issue is recorded from any [of them], but from Cairbre-Lifeachar; he had also ten daughters, but there is no account of any of them only two - namely, Grace (or Grania), and Ailbh [alve], who were both successively the wives of the great champion and general of the Irish Militia, Fionn, the son of Cubhall [Coole]. The mother of Cormac MacArt was Eachtach, the dau. of Ulcheatagh. Cormac was married to Eithne Ollamhdha, daughter of Dunlang, son of Eana Niadh; she was fostered by Buiciodh Brughach, in Leinster. 
MAC ART, Cormac (I20192)
10236 Source:

Hildegard van Vlaanderen (born 936/937-died. 975/980), by marriage she became countess (gravin) van Holland. Daughter of Arnulf I, graaf van Vlaanderen (885/890-965) and Adela van Vermandois (910/915-960). Hildegard van Vlaanderen married in 948 or 949 Dirk II, graaf van Holland en West-Friesland (936/941-988). From this marriage at least two sons and one daughter were born

1.) Aarnout (Gent 951-993), ook wel Arnulf Gandensis genoemd, die zijn opvolger werd

2.) Egbert van Trier (952-994), aartsbisschop van Trier

3.) Erlindis (953-1012)

possibly an Unknown daughter who married graaf Everhard van Doornik.

Diederik II died in 988. He was buried in the new abbey church of Egmond, in the grave in which Hildegard was buried eight years earlier. Their gospel book remained in the abbey for six centuries, then swirled around, and resurrected in Utrecht in 1805. Thanks to King Willem I, it has been in the Royal Library since 1830 
FLANDRES, Hildegarde Châtelaine D'amiens De (I10730)
10237 Source:

Sir Robert Corbet, 4th Baron of Caus 1176-1222
s/o Simon II Corbet & Margaret Brompton
m- Emma Pantulf
d- 1222 - Caus Castle, Shropshire, England

Heir of uncle Roger II Corbet - Caus Castle, Shropshire
Crusader - Seige of Acre fought with King Richard I
1176 - amerced 20m for trespass in Royal Forest
1196 - the sheriff of shropshire, pais ROBERT Corbet, 10m for being in the King's service in Wales

Robert Corbet, Lord Caus1
Last Edited4 Apr 2020
M, #9143, d. 1222
FatherSir Simon Corbet
Robert Corbet, Lord Caus married Emma Pantulf? Robert Corbet, Lord Caus died in 1222.

Emma Pantulf? d. a 1227
William Corbet
Hugh Corbet
Robert Corbet
Margaret Corbet+
Thomas Corbet, Sheriff of Shropshire+ b. c 1184, d. c Sep 1274

Born before 1158 in Pontesbury, Shropshire, Englandmap
ANCESTORS ancestors
Son of Simon Corbet and Margaret (Brampton) Corbet
Brother of Thomas Corbet, William Corbet [half], Hugh Corbet [half], Walter Corbet [half], Roger Corbet [half] and Philip Corbet [half]
Husband of Emma (Pantulf) Corbet — married 1180 in Wem, Shropshiremap

DESCENDANTS descendants
Father of Hugh Corbet, Robert Corbet, Thomas Corbet, Margaret Corbet, William Corbet and Alan Corbet
Died before 17 Oct 1222 in Caus, Shropshire, England 
CORBET, Robert (Sir) Baron Of Caus (I10876)
10238 Source: GWERYSTAN, Ithel Ap (I534)
10239 Source: AUSTRASIA, Aude (Aldana) Of Princess Of The Franks (I602)
10240 Source: MONTANOLIER, Judith De (I672)
10241 Source: SOISSONS, Sigrade (Sigree) Of (I3363)
10242 Source: FITZHUBERT, Matilda "Maud" (I3776)
10243 Source: BURGUNDY, Gundobad (Gondebaut) King Of (I4342)
10244 Source: JACOB (I4351)
10245 Source: HELI (I4352)
10246 Source: ARIMATHEA, Joseph Of (I4353)
10247 Source: MATTHAT, Mathat Ben Levi (I4356)
10248 Source: BRITONS, Penardim (Penardun) Verch Beli Of (I4357)
10249 Source: CAMBRIA, Manogan Ap Eneid Of (I4359)
10250 Source: AMALECH (I4361)

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