Carney & Wehofer Family
Genealogy Pages

David Wesley BREWER

Name David Wesley BREWER Birth 1831 Lawrence County, Mississippi Gender Male _UID 1A5886E3DCA94A35A63CA64AA8819CE45A60 Death Aft 1860 Mississippi Person ID I1412 Carney Wehofer 2024 Genealogy Last Modified 5 Feb 2012
Father John Wesley BREWER, b. 1795, Elbert County, Georgia d. 21 Apr 1857, Lawrence County, Mississippi
(Age 62 years)
Mother Jane FENN, b. 22 Sep 1798, North Carolina d. Yes, date unknown
Marriage 14 Nov 1816 Clark County, Georgia Family ID F1064 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Lucretia "Creasy" RIALS, b. Jan 1829, Marioun County, Mississippi d. 1895, Jayess, Mississippi
(Age ~ 65 years)
Marriage 30 Dec 1851 Lawrence County, Mississippi Children 1. William W. "Buck" BREWER, b. 13 Jan 1853, Marion County, Mississippi d. 15 Jun 1927, McComb, Mississippi
(Age 74 years)
2. Sarah "Sallie" BREWER, b. 1855, Mississippi d. Yes, date unknown
3. John Napolean BREWER, b. 28 Aug 1857 d. Yes, date unknown Family ID F759 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 29 Aug 2016
Notes - David's birth date is established by 1850 census. He was listed as 18. His father remarried in Apr 1832; thus, David probably born late in 1831.
His last child was born in 1857. Lucretia purchased a lot in Brookhaven on January 1, 1858. She sold it for a profit March 20, 1860. She and their three children were enumerated with her father, Moses Rials, in Marion county in 1860. David's death assumed about 1857.
By 1870, Lucretia had married Elijah Cothern. She is listed with him in Marion county 1870 census (Page 323, house 675), age 44, with her three children, William 16, Sarah 15, Napoleon 12.
A land grant for 120 acres in Lawrence County, MS, was given to "David Wesley Brewer of Marion County Mississippi." This grant dated 1 June 1859. Washington Meridian, T5N, R11E, Sec. 26, E1/2NW1/4 and SW1/4NW1/4. If death date assumption above is correct, this patent was issued after his death. This land was in Marion county until 27 Feb 1884 when sections 19 through 36 of T5NR11E and a small part of T4R11 were transferred to Lawrence from Marion and Pike.
Marion county Deed book C, page 773, 26 Oct. 1855. David Brewer mortgaged above tract to Needham B Raiford, note to be paid 1 Jan 1856 for $154.94. "Land where BREWER lives in Marion County." Note paid, mortgage cancelled, recorded 28 Jan 1856.
Next record of this land found Marion Deed Book H, Page 245, 26 Sep 1874. Land had conveyed to State of MS for nonpayment of taxes. Deed dated 1 Dec 1873 conveys land from MS to W. W. Brewer (son of David W Brewer) who was high bidder at tax sale. Price $15. No other action this land found in Marion. W W Brewer apparently sold in Lawrence after county boundaries changed.
Land entry file ordered from NARA 9 Oct 2003. Hope to reconcile Brewer obtaining a seed mortgage on land in 1855 and patent issued 1859. File received 31 Oct 03. It contained four items:
1. Receipt date Washington, MS, Oct 19, 1855, from receiver's office for $15 in payment for 120 acres (identified above) at $0.125/acre.
2. Document dated same in which David Brewer certified that the land was not previously occupied and that he is a legitimate settler.
3. Warrant of the Land Office dated same as above stating: "that on presentation of this certificate to the COMMISSIONER OF THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE, the said David Wesley Brewer shall be entitled to receive a Patent for the lot above described."
4. Copy of Patent Certificate 12534 issued from Washington, DC, June 1, 1859.
[Mystery explained. Federal bureaucrats as fouled up in 1855 as in 2004.]
- David's birth date is established by 1850 census. He was listed as 18. His father remarried in Apr 1832; thus, David probably born late in 1831.