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Laird George GRAHAM, 2nd Laird of Inchbrakie

Laird George GRAHAM, 2nd Laird of Inchbrakie

Male 1531 - 1575  (44 years)

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  • Name George GRAHAM  [1
    Prefix Laird 
    Suffix 2nd Laird of Inchbrakie 
    Birth 1531  Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    FamilySearch ID LDJ8-K37 
    TitleOfNobility 1555  Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Name George Graeme ( Graham)  [2
    Death 1575  Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Burial 1575  Saint Kattan Chapel & Montrose Mausoleum Auchterarder, Perth and Kinross, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Person ID I594772084  Carney Wehofer 2024 Genealogy
    Last Modified 8 Apr 2024 

    Father Patrick GRAHAM, 1st of Inchbrakie and Aberuthven,   b. Abt 1509, Kincardine, Fife, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1538, Inchbrackie Perthshire Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 29 years) 
    Mother Margaret STEWART,   b. 1515, Aberdeenshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Jul 1564, Falkland Palace, Fife, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 49 years) 
    Family ID F536730020  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Margery ROLLO,   b. 1540, Duncrub, Perth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 24 Feb 1625, Inchbrakie, Crieff, Perth, Scotland, Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 85 years) 
    Marriage 29 Jan 1555  Inchbrakie, Crieff, Perth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
     1. Sir Patrick GRAHAM, 3rd of Inchbraikie,   b. 1555, Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland, Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1635, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years)
     2. Annas GRAHAM,   b. Abt 1561, of Inchbrakie, , Perth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     3. John GRAEME,   b. 1563, of Inchbrakie, , Perth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1662 (Age 99 years)
     4. George GRAEME OR GRAHAM,   b. Abt 1565, Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 19 Dec 1643, Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 78 years)
     5. Cristane Beatrix GRAHAM,   b. 1567, Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     6. Nicola GRAHAM,   b. 1569, Inchbrakie, Crieff, Perth, Scotland, Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
     7. Lillias (Graham) GRAEME, Of Inchrackie,   b. 1570, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 23 Jan 1656, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 86 years)
     8. Catharine GRAHAM,   b. 1574, Inchbrakie, Perthshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F536730018  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 8 Apr 2024 

  • Notes 
    • George Grahame, of Inchbraikie

      The first and second Lairds of Inchbrakie were conspicuous by their early marriages, and very soon after his father's death we find George our second laird contemplating matrimony, or perhaps we should say, having it contemplated for him! Probably it was hastened to suit his mother the Lady Margaret Stewart, who was anxious to betake herself to her new home in Argyleshire; but it must remain an open question whether his marriage really occurred at the time the following Frank is dated, for he cannot have been much more than fourteen years of age.
      King James V. gave a letter or Frank dated 1538 to Robert master of Montrose of the ward of the lands of "Strathie-bowie" (which had belonged to the deceased Patrick Graeme of Inchbrakie) on the marriage of George Graeme "sone and are of the said umquhile Patrick".
      Such a grant shows that George was still a ward when the marriage was contemplated.

      These lands of Strathiebowie and Nether Pernzie in the Stewartry of Strathearn became in this generation as in the previous one, the subject of a special retour; in 1555 (3 October) we find George retoured heir to his father Patrick in them, just as in 1516 that same Patrick the first baron, had been retoured heir to his father the Earl of Montrose. This pointedly corroborates the descent of the older Inchbrakies, though curiously enough (says Mr Riddle) it was never adduced at the noted service in 1770 when the Inchbrakie of that day was served heir male to Patrick first of Inchbrakie. It appears more probable that this retour of 1555 was made with regard to marriage settlements as it occurred so long after his succession and when he was not more than about twenty four years of age.
      We also find another retour to our Laird at this date, of the lands of Crago –
      This paper is docketed Nota Andrew of Fawdouryd (?) gift of Maintenance of lands of Crago to George Graeme of Inchbrakie.

      The tenour of this document is, that Andrew Ker son and Heir of the late Margaret Haliburton one of the ladies of Dirleton, assigns to his cousin George Graeme of Inchbrakie son to the late Patrick Graeme of Inchbrakie "brother to my said Mother" the power to uptake and intromit to his own use and profit all rents etc, of the farms and lands of Crago.

      His letter will is made at Inchbrakie on the 1st November 1575, and runs as follows:
      - "I George Graeme of Inchebreky being in my lege pousta, veseit be the hand of God with sair infirmitie of seiknes,
      makis and dispones my latter will and Testament in presens of the Almyehtie God to qu home I rander my saule, perpetualie with him to regne in eternall fruitioun etc. etc.; and I desire you all that be heir present, to assist me in my prayer and making of my confession to the eternall God saying 'oure father' etc."
      The will goes on to constitute his "wele beloved spouse in the Lord, Mairjorie Rollok tutour testamentrix, and onlie intramissatrix with my bairns thair leving, in soumes of money etc. etc, to be governet be hir in during her we do heid and thair minoritie; and als I constitute my honorabill and welbelovit freindis Johne Campbell of Laweris, George Rollok of Duncrub, Robert Graeme my bruther germane Archidene of Ross, and Maister Johne Stewart constable of the Castell of Striviling, Tutouris and curatoures to my foresaid spous and bairnis, and my chief John, Erle of Montroise, overman to my spous and bairnis."
      In case of his wife's "default or inabilities" he constitutes the foresaid friends in her place, providing that nothing is done for the children except, with the advice and councel of "foresaid chief overman."
      The witnesses to the will are Johne Grahame, son to the Laird of Garvock, two servants belonging to the Laird of Lawers and Andro Drummond (doubtless the man who would draw up the will), notair publick, "with utheris diverse."
      The will is an index of the man's nature, still in the zenith and prime of his life, at 45 years of age. He not only has the usual religious preamble recorded, but it is a more earnest and complete one than is commonly used; and the request for the Lord's Prayer to be said with him at the close is a somewhat singular one, showing the reverent side of his character, while his expression of love to his wife, and warm confidence in his friends and relations show an affectionate nature, which must have shone through most actions of his life.
      May we not picture the grouping of that solemn scene? The central figure of the man who though still almost young, was leaving all he loved, so humbly and so patiently, going forth to meet his Redeemer, his mind at rest as to his worldly affairs, his eyes fixed on his weeping wife, the solemn little knot of witnesses, and the grey light of the November day struggling through the deep embrasures of the castle walls, the bare branches of the beeches swaying fitfully in the wintry breeze.
      A few days pass of suffering and weakness, more or less prolonged, and George Graeme's spirit had gone to its eternal home.
      Thus his children will be cared for by John Campbell of Lawers (his half sister's husband), George Rollo (his brother-in-law), Robert Graeme the "Archidene," his brother; and John Stewart, Constable of Stirling Castle, his uncle (his mother's brother).
      Strange that the chief witness to the will is John, second son of Graeme of Garvock, afterwards Graeme of Balgowan, the man who in a year or two will win the heart of George's widow Marion, and who will faithfully care for the children of his friend.

  • Sources 
    1. [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (, ((, accessed 8 Apr 2024), entry for Lillias (Graham) GRAEME, person ID M3S2-F5X. (Reliability: 3).

    2. [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (, ((, accessed 8 Apr 2024), entry for George Graham, person ID LDJ8-K37. (Reliability: 3).