Carney & Wehofer Family
Genealogy Pages


Name Jane HATCHER [1] Birth 13 Mar 1640 Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America [1]
Gender Female FamilySearch ID K8ZP-FK5 Death 7 Dec 1710 Mecklenburg, Virginia, British Colonial America [1]
Person ID I594783917 Carney Wehofer 2024 Genealogy Last Modified 11 Dec 2024
Father William HATCHER, b. 14 Jan 1613, England d. 1 Apr 1680, Varina, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 67 years)
Mother Marian Jane NEWPORT, b. 14 Apr 1611, England d. 1646, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 34 years)
Family ID F536728770 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family 1 William BAUGH, III, b. Abt 1636, England d. 1676, Bristol Parish, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age ~ 40 years)
Marriage Abt 1660 Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America Children 1. Mary BAUGH, b. Abt 1660, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. 15 Mar 1710, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age ~ 50 years)
2. John BAUGH, b. 1661, Henrico, Virginia, United States d. 1678, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 17 years)
3. Katherine BAUGH, b. 1663, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. Yes, date unknown
4. Priscilla BAUGH, b. 1664, Henrico Virginia British Colonial America d. 1726, Henrico Virginia British Colonial America
(Age 62 years)
5. Rebecca BAUGH, b. 1664, Cumberland, Virginia, British Colonial America d. 14 Jan 1731, Goochland, Goochland, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 67 years)
6. James BAUGH, b. 1665, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. 1722, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 57 years)
7. Thomas BAUGH, b. 1667, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. Bef 1687, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 19 years)
8. Sarah BAUGH, b. Abt 1667, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. Yes, date unknown
9. William BAUGH, IV, b. Abt 1668, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. 1676, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age ~ 8 years)
10. Tabitha BAUGH, b. 1673, Henrico, Virginia, United States d. 1710, Henrico, Virginia, United States
(Age 37 years)
11. Mary BAUGH, b. 1687, Henrico County, Virginia, USA d. Abt 1734, Chesterfield Co., Virginia
(Age 47 years)
Family ID F536733723 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Dec 2024
Family 2 William Addie BRANCH, Sr, b. 1 Jan 1625, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America d. 1660, Henrico, Virginia, United States
(Age 34 years)
Family ID F536733738 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Dec 2024
Family 3 Abel GOWER, II, b. 20 Mar 1629, Gloucestershire, England d. 1 Jun 1689, Henrico, Virginia, British Colonial America
(Age 60 years)
Family ID F536733739 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 11 Dec 2024
Notes - Biography
U.S. Southern Colonies Project
Jane (Hatcher) Gower was a Virginia colonist.
Jane was born about 1640 in Henrico County, Virginia. In a deposition given on 1 Dec 1688 in the case of Fra. Carter vs. John Womack, Jane Gower stated she was aged about 48 years.[1][2] She is the purported / provisional daughter of William Hatcher, but this is unproven and the Disputed Origins covers tertiary sources that require firsthand vetting. No primary source documentation has been found to prove her last name at birth was Hatcher.
Marriages & Children
Jane was married three times[2] and outlived all three husbands and all of her children except Mary (Baugh) Cox. She had five known children, all born 1656 or after. In an Orphan's Court proceeding in Henrico County on 2 Aug 1677, four of her children are listed as minors under the Guardianship of her third husband Abell Gower. Perhaps some have discounted a few of the additional children by the second and third husbands because they may not have been minors in 1677: among children below-listed with a footnote, they are considered provisionally proven. (Please see also the below Timeline.)
Jane married William Branch as his second wife about 1656 in Henrico County, Virginia. William was a widower with children from previous marriage. No marriage record has been located. William and Jane had two known children:
William Branch Jr, born (b.) circa (c.) 1657, died (d.) 1687 (before Jan 1688) without issue, married (m.) Jane Ward
John Branch, b. circa 1658/9, d. between Jan & Apr 1688, m. Martha (Grigg/Unknown). Refer to Dorman (2007, p. 369.)[3]
Janes husband William Branch died circa 1660. Jane next married William Baugh (d. 1676) about 1661 in Henrico County, Virginia. William Baugh was a widower and had children from a previous marriage. William and Jane had only two known children:
John Baugh, b. c. 1661 in Henrico County[4][3]
Mary Baugh, b. c. 1662 in Henrico County, d. Abt. 1710, m. John Cox: See Dorman (2007), p. 367 (Footnote 13), & 729.[3]
Katherine Baugh, b. 1663 in Henrico County
Priscilla Baugh, b. c. 1664 in Henrico County, d. 1706 on Farrar's Island, Henrico County, m. William Farrar III abt. 1680.
James Baugh, b. 1665 in Henrico County
Thomas Baugh, b. 1667 in Henrico County
William Baugh III[4], b. c. 1668 Henrico County, d. 1676 Henrico County.
After the death of William Baugh about 1666, Jane married Abell Gower before Aug 1677 in Henrico County, Virginia. Abell Gower died before June 1689, date will probated. They had one known child:
Tabitha Gower, b c 1678, m Robert Grigg in Oct 1700,[5] died about 1702 without issue
Richard Gower (previously attached as a child, but no evidence supports this relationship)
1656 - Jane married William Branch about 1656 in Henrico County, Virginia.
1661 - Jane married William Baugh about 1661 in Henrico County, Virginia.
1677 (2 Aug) - Account of the cattle and horses belonging to the orphans of Wm Branch deceased and Wm Baugh deceased, presented by Mr Abell Gower. Orphans were William Branch, John Branch, Mary Baugh, Prissilla Baugh.[6]
1681 - William Baugh did by deed grant to grandchild William Baugh [son of William Baugh, Jr.], deceased, by deed 6 Dec 1668, land, continue the grant to grandchild Priscilla Baugh, now wife of William Farrar. Dated 1 Apr 1681.[7] This land was granted by Jane's father-in-law, William Baugh, to William Baugh (III) son of Jane's husband William Baugh, Jr. William Baugh (III) was living in 1668 when this grant was made. He is not included as a minor in 1677 when Jane's children are listed under the Guardianship of Jane's third husband Abell Gower. William (III) is assumed to be son of William, Jr., and his first unknown wife. He was born before his father married Jane about 1661, probably as early as 1656. After his death, the land was deeded to his half-sister Priscilla (Baugh) Farrar,
1689 - Will of Abell Gower: wife Jane to have land to her death, then to daughter Tabitha Gower; if Tabitha dies before 21, land to Obedience Branch & Priscilla Branch. Dated 25 August 1688, probated 1 June 1689.[8]
1693 - William Randolph, of Henrico County in consideration of 100 lbs. tob. & divers other valuable considerations thereunto bargains, sells, conveys, &c. to Mrs. Jane Gower & the heirs of Mr. Abell Gower, her late husband, decd. all right, title, claim &c. in aforesaid Patent: Dated 17 April 1693. Witnesses, Pet. Field, Wm. Soane; Recd. 1 June 1693.[1]
1696 - Jane Gower confirms her release of dower right in land previously given to her by her father-in-law Christopher Branch and now given to her granddaughter Obedience Branch, wife of John Cocke.
1702 (20 Aug) - Robert Grigg married Tabitha orphan of Mr Abell Gower late of this county, deceased, acknowledges receipt of his wife's portion.[9]
5 Mar 1710/11 - Varina court, "The Deposition of William Farrar aged about fifty years says that he and John Davis was about sixteen years agoe at Mrs. Gowers & that she desired him & John Davis to go to her plantation called Mount Misery to measure a piece of land that she had there cleared and tended: and we did accordingly measure the sd land and found that there ws a acre cleared and tended to the best of our knowledge and further saith at." Signed Wm Farrar. [Note: Jane Gower was William Farrar's mother-in-law, he was married to Priscilla Baugh.][10][11]
Death & Legacy
Jane's will was dated 7 Dec 1710 and was proved in Court the first Monday in January 1710/11 (5 January 1711 New Style).[12][1][2]
Will of Jane Hatcher-[12]
Henrico County, Virginia 7 Dec 1710, Henrico County Records Deeds & Wills, 1710-1714, p 35-36:
All of my out lands to grandson William Cox and granddaughter Mary Cox. Land I live on called Great Stone to granddaughter Obedience Turpin and Priscillla Wilkinson, equally. Grandson William Farrar, granddaughter Mary Womack, granddaughter Mary Wilkinson, granddaughter Obedience Turpin, granddaughter Martha Wilkinson, granddaughter Priscilla Farrar, sister Hatcher, grandson Abel Farrar, grandson William Farrar, granddaughter Judith Womack, items. Daughter Mrs Mary Cox, all rest of estate and she executrix.[13]
Considering the Frailty of human nature and being desirous to Settle my worldly affairs to prevent litigiousness after my decease do make...this...my...Will...my outlands to my Grandson William Cox...my daughter Mary Cox...land to my Granddaughter Obedience Turpin and Priscilla Wilkinson...my Grandson William Farrar one feather bed...my Grandson Abel Farrar one feather bed...my Granddaughter Mary Womack four Silver Spoones...my grand Daughter Mary Wilkinson four Silver Spoones...my grand daughter Obedience Turpin four Silver Spoones...my Grand daughter Martha Wilkinson one Chest of Drawers...Priscilla Farrar one bed...John Spike the beed he lies on...to William Womeck two breeding Sows...my daughter Mary Cox all my Stock except two Sows...my grand daughter Priscilla Farrar one Silver Porringer...my Sister Hatcher my damask gown and Peticoat...my grandson Abell Farrar one Iron Pott...my Grand Son William Farrar two pewter dishes...my Grand Daughter Judith Womack my box Iron...my...daughter Mrs. Mary Cox all the rest of my estate...makeing her...my whole...Executrix...this Seventh of December Anno Domini one thousand Seaven hundred and ten.
Witnessed by Thomas (X) Sadler and William Blackman,[1]
1 Oct 1696 - John Cocke Jr, son of Richard Cocke Sr, of County & Parish of Henrico, has taken to wife Obedience Branch, eldest daughter of my son John Branch, late of Kingsland in same county, plantar, dec'd, Now I, Jane Gower of Kingsland in same county and parish, widow, for love and affection, give to said John Cocke and Obedience his wife, all that plantation given me by my father in law Christopher Branch, late of Kingsland, dec'd, being land where my son John dwelt, now in tenure of Robert Grigg, on south side of James River, 100 acres, bounded by Thomas Branch and Mr. Abell Gower orphan."[14][15]
Note: Robert Grigg married Tabitha Gower, daughter of Jane and Abel Gower.
Research Notes
The nativity of Jane Hatcher is often in question. The following is worth noting: 1. Dorman, John Frederick FASG. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Vol 1, 4th ed, Footnote 16. 2004, p. 267.
"Neil D. Thompson, The Family of Bartholomew Stovall, (Fort Worth, Tex., 1993) p. 204 identifies her as probably a daughter of William Hatcher. In her will she left a damask gown, and petticoat to sister Hatcher, presumably the wife of one of William Hatcher's sons. [If Jane was not herself a Hatcher, then we don't know her siblings. "Sister Hatcher" could have been Jane's sister who married a Hatcher. This reference is the only documentation used to declare Jane was a Hatcher, and at best presents inconclusive evidence. Given that the will-writing practices of the time were to mention biological sisters and daughters by their current married name the reference to "sister Hatcher" would imply a woman who was, in 1710, named Hatcher, which would more likely be a wife of a Hatcher man.
2. "From Metcalfe's Visitation of Worcestershire, 1683, p. 10: (vol 18 page 202, VA Mag of History and Biography)
"Pedigree of Baught of Twining.
Richard Baugh married Ann daughter of John Gower of Woodhall in Kempsey, Co., Worcestershire. Thomas Baugh married Dorothy daughter of John Gower of Wrocs. This pedigree also states that another Thomas Baugh "was absent in Virginia in 1624, living in College land in 1625" (These Baugh-Gower marriages are particularly interesting in light of Mrs. Jane Branch-Baugh's marriage to Abell Gower).
"Priscilla Baugh's mother, Jane Hatcher (?)3, married first William Branch4, William Baugh, Abel Gower.
Footnotes of above (page 146, The Farrar's Island Family and It's English Ancestry, Alvanh Holmes, 1972.
3. Authors of Burton's Chronicles thought she was a Burton. From Burton Chronicles of Colonial Virginia, Page 31, comes the following paragraph:
"Though we have no satisfactory evidence to sustain the theory it is believed that Thomas (of Cobbs) Burton and John (of Longfield) Burton had two sisters in Henrico, Mrs. Edward Hatcher, senior, and Mrs. Jane Branch-Baugh-Gower, who was first the wife of a son of Christopher Branch (already mentioned as deeding 60 acres to James Place), next the wife of William Baugh, junior, (the Baugh plantation adjoined Cobbs) and third of Abel Gower. This much widowed lady had children by each marriage. She died in 1710 and in her will mentioned her "sister Hatcher." The possibility that she was a Burton was first suggested by Mr. Landon C. Bell in an article in a recent number of Tyler's Quarterly (this text was published in 1933). Reference to her will be made later in these pages."
4. Jester P 10 and Cabell, both state she married William Branch, an Orphan's court record, Aug 1678, of division of the cattle of William Branch and William Baugh, among the orphans by Abel Gower, also indicates this marriage.
Regarding Tabitha Gower, FindAGrave describes:
Marriage license granted to Robert Grigg on 20 Oct 1700 to marry Tabitha, orphan of Abel Gower, but does not cite a specific source.
Also from FindAGrave, this a conveyance by Jane to her granddaughter, Obedience Branch:
An 01 Oct 1696 Henrico County Gift Deed states: "John Cocke Jr, son of Richard Cocke Sr, of County & Parish of Henrico, has taken to wife Obedience Branch, eldest daughter of my son John Branch, late of Kingsland in same county, plantar, dec'd, Now I, Jane Gower of Kingsland in same county and parish, widow, for love and affection, give to said John Cocke and Obedience his wife, all that plantation given me by my father in law Christopher Branch, late of Kingsland, dec'd, being land where my son John dwelt, now in tenure of Robert Grigg, on south side of James River, 100 acres, bounded by Thomas Branch and Mr. Abell Gower orphan."
Also from FindAGrave, this is believed to be one and the same location as the first colonial home of William Baugh Sr:
A survey for a patent dated 20 Oct 1665 for 1380 acres for Christopher Branch, Sr. at Kingsland and Proctors Creek states that William Baugh, Sr. resided on this land prior to 1668, near a "remarkable great stone lying above William Baugh's house line" (Patent Bk. "5", p590).
Disputed Origins
See Research Notes for some additional info. Also see note by Dan Ward on 21 Aug 2022 for commentary on the topic.
Some claim her parents most likely were Robert Griegg (abt.1620-aft.1703) of Henrico, Virginia and Mary Osborne, the former whose 4 Feb 1703 will names Jane Gower as an heir and executrix.[16][17] However, he does not call her a daughter even though he names godchildren.
Some have attributed her maiden name to be Burton, but little evidence for this exists.
Her father may be William Hatcher.[3][18][19]
? 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Valentine, Edward Pleasants. Clayton, Torrence, Editor. The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers. Volume III (1784, 1796). 1927, p. 1394. Richmond, Virginia: The Valentine Museum.
? 2.0 2.1 2.2 The William and Mary Quarterly. William and Mary College.; 1917. p. 64– .
Hatcher Families Genealogy Association.
? 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Dorman, John Frederick. Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5: Vol. 2; Families G-P. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co, 2004, p. 367-8
(Christopher1), born about 1626, resided in Henrico County where he was a planter and died probably about 1670.15 He married Jane___,16 who deposed, 1 Dec. 1688, she was aged 48,17 married (2) William Baugh, Jr., and (3) Abell Gower, and left will, 7 Dec. 1710-Jan. 1710/11.18
Issue: 10. William3, died after 20 Aug. 1678, without issue;19 11. JOHN3
Digitized edition available from Gale Genealogy Connect at https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX4111200047/GENVRL?u=txshrpub100185&sid=bookmark-GENVRL&xid=722d9816
? 4.0 4.1 As described in the FindAGrave Memorial, citing: Henrico County, Orphans Court Book, 1677-1739. P. 2.
? Find a Grave, database and images www.findagrave.com/memorial/221152747/tabitha-grigg accessed 15 Feb 2022, memorial page for Tabitha Gower Grigg (1678– unknown), Find A Grave: Memorial #221152747; Maintained by David Goode (contributor 49372965) Burial Details Unknown.
? Henrico Co., Orphans Court Bk. 1677-1739, p 2 as cited on Jane Gower Research
? Henrico Co, VA W&D 1677-1692:147 as cited on Jane Gower Research
? Henrico County, VA, W&D 1688-1697:61, as cited on Jane Gower Research
? Henrico Co, VA Orphans Court p. 4 as cited on Jane Gower Research
? "County Court records, deeds, wills, settlements of estates, etc., (Henrico County, Virginia), 1677-1787", Catalog: County Court records, deeds, wills, settlements of estates, etc., (Henrico County, Virginia), 1677-1787 1697-1714, "Henrico County, Virginia; Records 1710-1714, Part 1", p. 48; Film number: 007645094 > image 405 of 690, FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-L9P6-K9CH
? Benjamin B. Weisiger III (compiler), Henrico County, Virginia Deeds 1706-1737 (Richmond, Virginia: Self-published, 1985), 48
? 12.0 12.1 Virginia. County Court (Henrico County). County Court Records, Deeds, Wills, Settlements of Estates, Etc., (Henrico County, Virginia), 1677-1787. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1947. "1697-1714", p. 35-6 (FHL Film 31764, image 398 and 399 of 690) (Copy)
? Wills of Colonial Henrico County VA 1614-1737, Wiesiger, p 82.
? Henrico County, Va. Deeds, Vol. III, 1677-1705, p. 97 as cited on Jane Gower Research
? Virginia. County Court (Henrico County). County Court Records, Deeds, Wills, Settlements of Estates, Etc., (Henrico County, Virginia), 1677-1787, "1677-1697", p. 670; found in "Henrico, Virginia, United States Records," images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G9P6-S7GT : February 15, 2022), image 604 of 650; Virginia. County Court (Henrico County).
? Find a Grave (has image), Find A Grave: Memorial #106210163, Memorial page for Jane Griegg Grige Hatcher Branch Baugh Gower (1640-Dec 1710); Maintained by Gresham Farrar (contributor 47643741).
? Virginia. County Court (Henrico County). County Court Records, Deeds, Wills, Settlements of Estates, Etc., (Henrico County, Virginia), 1677-1787. Salt Lake City, Utah: Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1947, "1697-1714" , p. 342; FHL Film 31767, image #175/690, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9P6-KB1?cat=397197
? Also well-described in FindAGrave: citing Thompson, Neil D. The family of Bartholomew Stovall: Eight generations of Stovalls in England and America. 1993, p. 204.
? Also well-described in FindAGrave: citing Ackerly, Mary Denham & Parker, Lula Eastman Jeter. Our Kin. 1947, p. 147. Also cited in Our Kin, Stanard, William G. Virginia Historical Magazine. Vol 17. P. 401. It should be noted that Edward Hatcher (b. ca. 1633-7) appears to be mistaken as her father, when in fact he was Jane Hatcher's brother.
See also:
"The family of Bartholomew Stovall: Eight generations of Stovalls in England and America" by Neil D Thompson, 1993, p204
"Adventurers of Purse and Person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5" by John Frederick Dorman, 4th Ed., Vol. 1, 2007, pp367, 930
"Cavaliers and Pioneers. Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants" Vol. I by Nell Marion Nugent, 1983, p549 ("Great Stone" see will of Jane Gower).
"Colonial Wills of Henrico County, Virginia" Part I, 1654-1737, by Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1976, p82.
"The Farrar's Island Family and Its English Ancestry" by Alvahn Holmes, 1972, pp 146, 147.
Interesting discussion on her (purported) father
Burton-4527 was created by Joseph Leslie Poole through the import of Johnson-WikiTree_2015-08-13.ged on 13 Aug 2015.
Gresham Farrar's research for Jane's profile on FindAGrave was thorough and invaluable.
- Biography
Sources - [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 11 Dec 2024), entry for Jane Hatcher, person ID K8ZP-FK5. (Reliability: 3).
- [S1160] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, FamilySearch Family Tree (http://www.familysearch.org), ((http://www.familysearch.org)), accessed 11 Dec 2024), entry for Jane Hatcher, person ID K8ZP-FK5. (Reliability: 3).